Tuesday 15 June 2010

Masterplan Research and Development

I am currently working on reviewing and editing ideas that had been lingering on for too long at masterplan level, and which were seriously hampering me due to the fact that they were of mixed, overlapping or clashing content. The idea is to go back to basics, and although a longer process than what is posted today was needed, I will only post this later.

In order to go back to basics, I went back to do further research on the existing masterplan by Terry Farrel and also Richard Roger.It is visible in Richard Roger's approach the formation of a roughly East-West axis opened through the North Greenwich Tube Station.
This was interesting to notice as it is not done in Terry Farrel's interpretation of the brief, with which I must disagree. It seems obvious that in order to create a Media Block at the site going around the long way up to the Dome and turning back down is far too prohibitive for the large amount of dwellers on the Residential Zones south east of the masterplan...

Currently the proposal is as follows for the site, and I must show more information to fully explain it, which I will do asap.

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